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One post tagged with "update"

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· 5 min read

Today is the inaugural day for the Archivist Developer Blog. The purpose of this blog is for me to have a way to communicate certain longer form things about the bot and its development in a more concise way - but not quite as concise as Twitter. Posts will focus on both the development process and important information about updates. You can follow the blog through the RSS feed (linked on the top right navbar) if you have an RSS reader or similar service, but I'll also be sharing certain posts directly through Twitter and to the support server.

Today's Bot Update

There's been a lot of Discord updates since the last time I was able to give Archivist some love, so over the last week I've been rolling out some small changes for the bot (and big changes for the website) at the same time I've been programming the update. Click the Read More to see more details.